
Splash resources age of empires 3 download
Splash resources age of empires 3 download

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  2. Splash resources age of empires 3 download Patch#
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Horns of Consecration now increases TC favor gather rate by 20% (was 11%).ġ. Gemino's wood cost decreased from 200 (from 300), and the research time decreased to 35 seconds (from 50).ġ4. Satyr's special attack is increased from 22 to 27, the special also does splash damage (similar to the Manticore), and the special's recharge time decreased from 20 to 16.ġ3. Satyr's base attack increased from 12 to 22. The eggs in the Spider Lair God Power take 5 seconds to hatch (from 2).ġ2. Contarius' hero's food cost decreased to 80 (from 85).ġ1. Contarius' food cost decreased to 60 (from 70). Fire Siphon's wood cost decreased to 200 wood (from 275).ġ0. Oracle Hero's default stance changed from passive to aggressive.ĩ. Kronos' special technology, Focus, can be researched in the Economic Guild the technology now additonally improves hero oracle's hitpoints and attack by 20%.Ĩ. Kronos' timeshift of Fortresses and Towers now only costs 75W and 75G (from 200W 100G).ħ. Kronos' siege units and myth units are now 10% faster.Ħ. Channels is moved to the Economic Guild, and its speed bonus (20%) also affects fishing ships and caravans.ĥ. Gaia's fishing technologies now receive the discount the economic guild technologies receive (-30%).Ĥ. Gaia's economy technologies (including fishing ship upgrades) can now be researched in any age, similar to how the Thor armory works.ģ.

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Medium Archer technology is free again.Ģ.

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Skin of the Rhino can now be researched in the temple, but starting only in the Classical Age.ġ. These animals all have a population of 1, exept for the Rhinoceros, which is 2.ġ0. Rhinoceros of Set - Favor cost reduced to 6.

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Hippopatamos of Set - Favor cost reduced to 4, available food increased to 300. Crocodile of Set - Favor cost reduced to 4. Giraffe of Set - Favor cost reduced to 3, available food increased to 200. Gazelle of Set - Favor cost lowered to 2, available food increased to 100. Ape of Set - Favor cost lowered to 3 in Archaic age, 2 in Classical age. Set's animals spawned from the Pharoah and temple have been improved, as follows: Rhinoceros and Elephant to 80 (from 70).ĩ. Boar, Auroch, Water Buffalo, and Hippopatamos to 70 (from 60). Several Set animals' have their conversion time increased: All of Set's animals have their attack reduced by 65% in Archaic Age (previously 40%).Ĩ. Set's converted animals have a 10% speed penalty in the Archaic Age.ħ. Necropolis boosts Monuments' favor rate by +30% (from +10%).Ħ.

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Serpent Spear's cost decreased to 175F 10 Favor (from 250F 12 favor).ĥ. Serpeant's armor increased to 30/35 (from 15/20).Ĥ. Sea Snake's hack armor increased to 30/35 (from 5/20). Eclipse now only improves minion attack by 25% (was 50%).ģ. Shifting Sands can no longer shift enemy villagers.Ģ. 25, however that change accidentally ever placed into effect)ġ. (note: this change was originally introduced in 1.04 as a reduction to. Zeus's favor gathering bonus reduced from.

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Splash resources age of empires 3 download upgrade#

Cyclops' upgrade Will of Kronos' favor cost reduced to 10 (from 25).ģ. Forge of Olympus' effect has been improved so that it provides a 60% discount on armory technologies (from 50%).Ģ. Walls cost Greek, Norse, and Egyptian cost 50% more, to match the Atlantean wall price.ġ. Several other maps have been tweaked slightly to optimize resource placement.ĥ. Blue Lagoon's hunting amounts are no longer very static the map now has low, medium, and high hunt variations.Ĥ. Nile Delta removed from the random map set.ģ. Frozen Wastes added to the random map set.Ģ. Walking Woods can now be cast on Gaia's forest.ġ. Lone Wanderer (Odin's technology) affects the starting Ulfsark.ģ. Wall ****s/columns have their LOS restored, due to bugs with how wall pieces interact with each other.Ģ.

Splash resources age of empires 3 download Patch#

Voobly Balance Patch 1.05 (Release Date: July 7th, 2016)ġ.

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Please note that recorded games that originate from this (or any other) patch can only be viewed by opening the game through the Voobly client, and using the appropriate patch. A balance patch for Age of Mythology: The Titans, sanctioned by Voobly's and RTS-Sanctuary's administration, and created by a group of high level players.

Splash resources age of empires 3 download